South Western Maine Board of Football Officials
Our Board Members officiate games all over South Western Maine at all levels.
Being a Member of SWMBFO is more than just officiating local football games. Our members have the opportunity and freedom to officiate a wide variety of games, on their own schedules, all over SW Maine. We officiate Youth Leagues, Middle School Programs, Freshman, JV and Varsity level football.
We offer a number of incentives to help new members get established as officials. First year members DO NOT pay membership dues. The cost of your study guides, the guided learning we provide and your test required to become an official for MPA games is at no charge for new officials. Our board performs clinics periodically to help new officials learn game mechanics so you feel ready and confident to take the field.
Help Develop the Next Generation of Football Players
A primary focus of officiating youth games is learning, helping younger players to understand and play within the rules.
Additional Income
Officiating is an excellent side gig to your normal job. We have members from all ages and walks of life. You are compensated for mileage and a game check.
Excellent Exercise
Nothing reminds us that we aren’t quite as fast as we thought we were like chasing a 17 year old Athlete down the sidelines.
Opportunities to Move Up
Many of our members begin officiating with us through the youth levels up to Varsity. Some are selected by the NCAA to officiate collegiate football as well. This is where it all begins.
Meet our Board
Mike Floridino - President
Will Lynch - Secretary
Ray Petit - Rules Interpreter
Benjamin Garrett- Assignor